Agenda item

Budget 2018/19

To consider the Budget report for 2018/19 and the accompanying Equality Impact Assessment.


Councillor Howell thanked the Director of Finance and Corporate Services and the Assistant Director – Resources for their hard work in producing the budget reports.  He said that, subject to the wish of members, this report enabled a single vote to be taken, on all items within the budget, other than the Investment Strategy, which was not part of the budget, and the General Fund Budget and Council Tax item, on which a separate vote was required. 


Councillor Howell introduced the budget reports, highlighting the Equality Impact Assessments, and the fact that the reports had been considered by Scrutiny and Cabinet.  He emphasised certain points, including the fact that the strategy to pursue garden communities would require ongoing investment.  He thanked his predecessor, Councillor Chambers, and put the motion. 


Councillor Chambers seconded the motion. 


Councillor Morris asked a question regarding taxi and licensing fees, which had been the subject of a consultation, the closing date of which was today.  She asked how, in view of the timescale, any representations made during the consultation would be considered, and therefore wished to know how it was possible to include in the budget resolution the increase in fees. 


Councillor Howell said the budget would not start until April, by which time the consultation would have concluded, and although no pre-judgment of the decision of the Licensing and Environmental Health Committee on fees and charges was possible, the budget had been prepared on the assumption that the increases in fees were adopted.  If it transpired the increase in fees was not adopted, then efficiencies would have to be found somewhere else.


Councillor Chambers as Chairman of the Licensing and Environmental Health Committee confirmed the figures were still out to consultation, but there would be sufficient money within the budget to accommodate a different decision on fees than that proposed in the consultation. 


Councillor Dean said he had many questions, but in view of the hour, he confirmed he supported the budget, and would therefore make only two points.  He asked that next year the budget reports include graphic representation of information to enable easier understanding of trends; and in respect of funding of PCSOs, he asked that reasonable efforts be made to secure more than one PCSO.


Further members’ questions were put as follows:  


Councillor Artus asked what the maximum reserve for Garden Communities would be. 


Councillor Hargreaves asked whether business rates income would be ring-fenced, and requested that the Council Tax letters make it clear as to which element related to District Council services and which to Essex County Council. 


Councillor Howell said he agreed with the suggestion for budget reports to include charts.  Regarding PCSOs, it was the intention to maximise the funding allocated and with match funding from local communities he hoped that would allow more than one PCSO to operate, depending on timings and engagement of personnel.  Regarding garden communities the report set out reference in the General Fund Reserve the amount of £105,000 per annum from 2018/19 to 2022/23 for this purpose.  Regarding Business Rates retention, this question had also been raised at the meeting of the Scrutiny Committee; and, as he would need to consider his response to it, he would return to that Committee to address that point. Regarding the Council Tax letter, he said the information in that letter was already set out to show the division of costs, and was given in a statutory format.  However, members could emphasise to their communities that this Council was one of the lowest cost councils in Essex, and the District Council element was only 9% of the overall amount of Council Tax.


Councillor Redfern gave an update on existing development of sheltered housing schemes and forthcoming new development projects. 


Councillor Lees said the amount allocated to litter bins would not increase for the next five years, which was of concern.  She also noted that in new developments litter bin collection seemed to be left to the relevant parish council. 


Councillor Howell said the Council did provide in the budget for the increase in housing through the Medium Term Financial Strategy, and referred members to provision in year 5.  Regarding the provision and collection of new litter bins, he recommended taking up specific enquiries with officers. 


The Director of Finance and Corporate Services confirmed members should engage with officers regarding any problems regarding the provision of litter bins in new developments.  Regarding the increase allowed for in year 5 of the budget for bin collection, this was intended to anticipate a new round of bin collection arising from new development. 


The Chairman thanked Councillor Howell for the presentation of the budget report.  He declared an interest in respect of the PCSO provision, in that Stansted, Elsenham and Henham parish councils had expressed interest in this service.  He also noted the retention for members of the new homes bonus.  He said he was the Council’s representative on Uttlesford Community Travel which did good work, and he therefore would encourage any member who had funds left this year to consider this voluntary organisation. 


The reports being put to the vote, it was RESOLVED that in respect of the recommendations in the following reports:


Robustness of Estimates and Adequacy of Reserves, and the Reserves Strategy, the Council:

a.   Take account of the advice in the report when determining the 2018/19 General Fund budget and Council Tax.

b.    Approve the risk assessment relating to the robustness of estimates as detailed in the report

c.    Set the minimum safe contingency level for 2018/19 at £1.402million in line with the specified calculation detailed in point 9 and this to be held in the Working Balance Reserve.

d.    Approve no transfers to or from the Working Balance should be built into the 2018/19 budget outside of maintaining the minimum safe contingency level.

e.    Adopt the attached Reserves Strategy.


Medium Term Financial Strategy, approve the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


Treasury Management Strategy, approve the Treasury Management Strategy and appendices.


Capital Programme 2018/19 – 2022/23, approve the Five Year Capital Programme. 


Housing Revenue Account 2018/19, approve the Housing Revenue Account and 5 year forecast.  

Supporting documents: