Agenda item

Remarks of the outgoing Chairman and Election of Chairman

To receive nominations and elect the Chairman.


Councillor Sell introduced the meeting, and spoke about his year as Chairman.  He said he was keenly aware of the work of the voluntary sector in the District, and had met many people in the District of great talent.  This was not an easy time to be a councillor or to be the Chairman of a Council, and it was with mixed feelings he would be handing over to a successor.  The civic role was important, and needed to be adequately resourced.  Thanks were due to the Communication Team and to the Executive Support Team, and in particular to the Chairman’s Executive Assistant.  Councillor Sell also expressed his gratitude to the Chief Executive for her advice and support, to the Vice Chairman, for attending events on his behalf and to his wife for attending many events with him.


Councillor Sell presented cheques in the sum of £2,450 to each of the representatives of the two charities which he had supported, Essex Wildlife Trust and Support 4 Sight. 


Councillor Sell then said he had a further duty to perform.  The Council had been fortunate to retain for over 45 years the Democratic and Electoral Services Manager, Peter Snow, as no elections had gone wrong at Uttlesford District Council.  On 21 June 2018, there would be a reception for him, and for Denise Greenwood and Val Rogacs, who were also retiring, at the Chesterford Research Park, to acknowledge their collective contribution of huge service to the District Council.  He invited members to show their appreciation for the Democratic and Electoral Services Manager. 


Members gave a standing ovation. 


Councillor Rolfe said the three officers mentioned had between them given 126 years of service.  This was a fantastic achievement.  Mr Snow had always shown absolute professionalism, unbiased management and instilled confidence that elections were correct.  He wished him a happy retirement. 


Councillor Lodge said that as a new and junior political leader he did not have the experience of Mr Snow’s service over many years.  Nevertheless, he had admiration for him.  During his five years in local politics, Mr Snow had been a beacon of the organisation of political process.  He had poured oil on troubled waters and kept truculent politicians in order.  Councillor Lodge thanked him on behalf of his party for his impartial help and advice, and wished him a long and happy retirement. 


Councillor Dean said he recalled Mr Snow’s administration of the by election of a Stansted councillor, Ron Walton, many years ago.  Ever since then, whatever the result was, all elections had been friendly.  He welcomed the support that Mr Snow had given the Liberal Democrat group and wished him well. 


Councillor Sell invited Councillor Chambers, as the longest-serving member, to speak.


Councillor Chambers said he had known Mr Snow a long time.  He was the epitome of Uttlesford, always fair-handed and unbiased.  He recollected his adroit performance in the staff versus members cricket matches.  Councillor Chambers also remembered his own election and the kind words Mr Snow had said then, and thanked him for all he had done. 


The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager said it was an honour to have served the Council.  He thanked Members for their expressions of goodwill. 

Councillor Sell called for nominations for the Chairman of the Council. 


Councillor Rolfe nominated Councillor Wells.  The nomination was seconded by Councillor Chambers. 


Councillor Wells was duly elected as Chairman of the Council.


Councillor Rolfe thanked Councillor Sell for his excellent chairmanship during the past year, which he had accomplished with a and congratulated Councillor Wells. 


Councillor Wells thanked Councillor Sell for having been an excellent Chairman.