Cllr Neil Hargreaves

Profile image for Cllr Neil Hargreaves

Title: Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance and the Economy

Party: Residents for Uttlesford

Ward: Newport

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Home address: 
Queens Court
High Street
CB11 3PF

Email:  07854 687748

Bus. email:

Download Cllr Neil Hargreaves contact details as VCard


Committee appointments

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

Due to the transition of the committee management system to a new provider in September 2017, the attendance statistics relate to attendance during the committee year starting in May 2017 to the present date.  For previous years’ attendance records, please refer to the Councillors’ Attendance Records page of the website, where annual summaries of attendance are published.  This page also contains an explanation of what the statistics include and factors to be taken into account when considering the data.
