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Note: Please note that registration for public speaking at this meeting has closed and the 30 minutes available have been fully reserved. The period for public speaking has already been extended by the Chair from 15 to 30 minutes. The evidence base documentation is available via the Evidence Base packs at the bottom of this page. Alternatively, the documents can be viewed in list form by following the link to the documentation considered at Cabinet on 18 July 2024.
No. | Item | |||||||||
Chair's Introduction PDF 89 KB Minutes: The Chair opened the meeting and explained the procedure he was intending to follow in respect of the debate. He asked the Monitoring Officer to provide advice on declarations of interest and participating in the meeting. A copy of the Monitoring Officer’s statement has been appended to the minutes. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair said he had extended the public speaking session to 30 minutes due to the importance of the Local Plan and the level of interest in respect of the item. He said a number of written representations had been circulated with members and would be appended to the minutes.
The following people addressed Council and their statements have been appended:
Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest To receive any apologies and declarations of interest. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Martin and Sutton.
Councillors Barker, Gooding and Foley declared a non-registrable interest as members of Essex County Council.
Councillor Evans declared a non-registrable interest as a current planning application (UTT-23-2496-FUL) relating to a site adjacent to his home had been included in the Call for Sites exercise. However, these had not been included in either the Regulation 18 or Regulation 19 versions of the draft Local Plan.
Councillor Criscione declared a non-registrable interest as a member of the Essex County Traveller Unit.
Councillor Church made a non-registrable interest as he owned land that had been included in the Call for Sites exercise but had not been included in either the Regulation 18 or Regulation 19 versions of the Local Plan.
The Chair asked Councillor Bagnall to leave the meeting as he had been advised by the Monitoring Officer that he had a non-registrable interest and would not be able to take part in either the vote or the debate on the Local Plan item.
Councillor Bagnall left the room at 7.58pm. |
Uttlesford Local Plan 2021 - 2041 (Regulation 19) Submission Version PDF 227 KB To consider the Uttlesford Local Plan 2021 – 2041 (Regulation 19). Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Evans presented the report regarding the Local Plan Regulation 19 Submission Version, which provided an overview of the Regulation 19 version of the Local Plan and the next steps subject to approval. He moved the proposal set out in the report. Councillor Hargreaves seconded the proposal. The Chair said notice of an amendment had been recievd from Councillor Sell; he invited Councillor Sell to propose the amendment.
Councillor Sell proposed his amendment as set out in the supplementary pack. He said the Local Plan before members was not sound and he questioned the Plan’s sustainability due to a third of the proposed housing being allocated in one settlement. He said the amendment was modest in the face of the “urban sprawl” to be created down the B1256. This coupled with the pollution and congestion residents would face in the area amounted to excessive development. He urged members to support the amendment and called for a recorded vote.
Councillor Dean seconded the amendment and reserved his right to speak.
Councillor Moran said he welcomed the amendment but could not support it as he believed the Local Plan was flawed. The Leader said she was not surprised by the amendment but was disappointed as the proposer had been present at the Local Plan Panel (LPP) meetings when evidence was discussed and was aware of the reasoning behind the allocations. She said modifications could be undertaken by the Inspector at the examination stage and it was important that the Local Plan progressed. She said the administration had provided the necessary political leadership to drive the Local Plan but officers had been fully independent in their evidence gathering. She said all members wanted to do what’s best for residents and the policies contained within the Local Plan, such as the affordable housing policy, would go a long way in controlling development in the district. In her ward of Elsenham, she said 1500 houses had been built with no infrastructure due to speculative development; it was imperative to have a Local Plan in place. She thanked officers and members of the LPP, who had provided a robust point of challenge throughout the process, for their hard work. She urged members to reject the amendment.
Councillor Freeman said he was disappointed with the amendment as Councillor Sell was an active member of the LPP and this should have been brought forward at an earlier opoint in the process. He said this was a “wrecking amendment” which, if passed, would leave residents across the district without a fit for purpose Local Plan and open to speculative development. He urged members to reject the amendment.
Councillor Barker said she was unable to support the amendment as she was not content with the Local Plan as a whole. She said there would be significant pressure on the settlements of Takeley and Great Dunmow and asked why smaller settlements were not considered for more housing allocation. She also questioned the Council’s engagement with the villages which had a neighbourhood ... view the full minutes text for item C29 |