Public Speaking: To register your intention to speak at a Council, Cabinet or Committee meeting, please contact Democratic Services on or 01799 510410, 510548, 510369 or 510460. Panel, Forum and Working Group meetings do not generally permit public speaking. Please refer to a specific meeting's pdf agenda pack for further information and registration deadlines.
Live Broadcast: For Council, Cabinet and Committee Meeting broadcasts please select the hyperlink available on this page under the Media banner a few minutes before the meeting is due to begin. Please note that Panel, Board, Forum and Working Group meetings are not generally broadcast on the website. We believe that live streaming video of our formal decision making meetings, and publishing the recordings to be watched back later, is good for democracy – and you can find these videos on our website. This video technology sits alongside the longstanding practice of providing seats in the public gallery for members of the public and journalists to turn up and watch our in-person meetings live. Please understand that whilst we will continue to make every reasonable effort to ensure that our key public meetings at which important decisions are live streamed and recorded, any failure in that technology does not in any way invalidate the legitimacy of that meeting or of the decisions taken at it. Even in the event of such occasional technical failures, the public gallery will still have been open, as required by law, and the minutes of the meetings will still be made available in due course.
Venue: Council Chamber - Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden, CB11 4ER. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest To receive any apologies for absence and declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 85 KB To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2024. |
Questions or Statements from Non-Executive Members of the Council (standing item) To receive questions or statements from non-executive members on matters included on the agenda. |
Consideration of reports from overview and scrutiny committees (standing item) To consider any reports from Scrutiny Committee. |
Report of Delegated Decisions taken by Cabinet Members (standing item) To receive for information any delegated decisions taken by Cabinet Members since the previous Cabinet meeting.
· No decisions to report. |
Corporate Core Indicators - Quarter 1 2024/25 PDF 159 KB To receive the Quarter 1 performance targets outcomes. Additional documents: |
Procurement Update 2022/23 and 2023/24 PDF 853 KB To receive the Procurement Update report regarding 2022/23 and 2023/24. Additional documents:
To consider the Achieving Outcomes in Partnership with the Voluntary Sector - Corporate financial support to the Voluntary Sector report. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED to approve:
I. The move to a three-year commissioning cycle (and from 2028/29 moving to a four-year cycle to match Uttlesford’s electoral cycle) for: a. Providing information, advice and guidance services including homelessness prevention (£140,000 pa) b. Connecting rural communities to prevent rural isolation including rural transport (£62,000 pa) c. Healthy, resilient and active communities (inc. mental health, sports and leisure) (£70,000 pa) d. Support for older people and those with learning difficulties (£110,000 pa) e. Youth (£50,000 pa) f. Arts and culture (£35,000 pa)
II. An annual grant cycle for: a. Any other contribution towards Corporate Plan Outcomes. Two one-off funding streams – small grants (up to £500) or larger (£500-£3,000), including direct member submitted or supported proposals. b. Establishing strengthened governance to oversee grant funded services through a cross-party forum. c. Cease ward member initiatives and include the previous budget as part of a wider grant fund in a new funding regime to be determined over coming weeks prior to launch for the 2025/26 funding year. |
To consider the Safeguarding Policy. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED to approve the Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults Policy and Reporting Procedure. |
To consider the CCTV Policy. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED to approve the CCTV Policy.
Zero Carbon Communities Grant Scheme PDF 105 KB To consider the report regarding the Zero Carbon Communities Grant Scheme. Decision: RESOLVED to:
I. Approve the plan to launch round 3 of the Zero Carbon Communities Grant fund in September.
II. Note the timeline and milestones outlined for the application and selection of the successful projects. |
Clavering Neighbourhood Plan PDF 75 KB To consider the Clavering Neighbourhood Plan. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED:
I. To designate the Parish of Clavering as a Neighbourhood Development Plan Area.
II. The Development Plan Area as submitted by Clavering Parish Council should be approved and adopted as the Clavering Neighbourhood Development Plan Area. |
Local Government Ombudsman Report 2023/24 PDF 96 KB To receive the Local Government Ombudsman Report 2023/24. Additional documents: |
Internal Audit Plan 2024/25 Update PDF 73 KB To receive the Internal Audit Plan 2024/25 Update report. Additional documents: |
Contract Award to carry out Decarbonisation works - Phase 1 PDF 81 KB To consider the report regarding the Contract Award for Decarbonisation Works. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED:
I. To delegate authority to the Director of Property Services (interim), the Interim Strategic Director, Housing, Health and Communities and the Strategic Director of Finance Commercialisation and Corporate Services in consultation with the Cabinet member for housing to award a contract for Phase 1 of the SHDF decarbonisation contract II. Cabinet review and approve the award of the Phase 1 SHDF decarbonisation contract to Equans, recognising their expertise in delivering large-scale retrofit projects. III. Cabinet note that Phase 2 will be integrated into the scope of work for the new R&M contractor, ensuring continuity and efficiency in our overall housing improvement strategy. IV. Cabinet acknowledge the strategic use of the Fusion 21 Decarbonisation Framework as the most appropriate procurement route given the SHDF timelines and project requirements. V. Cabinet note that Equans, ranked second on the framework, was selected after Vinci (ranked first) voluntarily withdrew from consideration. VI. Cabinet note the use of the ACA Standard Form of Contract for Project Partnering (PPC 2000, amended 2013) as the contractual basis for this project. |
Quarter 1 Financial Monitor PDF 294 KB To consider the Quarter 1 Financial Monitor and Forecast report. Decision: RESOLVED to:
I. Note the contents of this report. II. Delegate the authority to re-align budgets within the departments to the Section 151 Officer. III. Approve the additions to the Capital Budgets as noted within the Capital Programme and delegate to the Section 151 Officer to finalise the slippage for 2023/24 and adjust the 2024/25 budgets for Quarter 2 monitoring. IV. Request a paper that approves an approach to simplifying the internal recharges to an approach that meets statutory requirements and also supports strong and effective budget management. V. Delegate the authority to the Section 151 Officer to increase and adjust the capital HRA budgets to account for the successful Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund bid. |
Local Council Tax Support Scheme Proposals 2025/26 PDF 177 KB To consider the report regarding Local Council Tax Support Scheme Proposals 2025/26.
Decision: RESOLVED that the Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2025/26 is consulted on the following basis:
I. The contribution rate is frozen at 12.5% for 2025/26. II. The Council continues to protect Pensioners, Vulnerable and Disabled Residents and their Carer’s on a low income. |