Committee details

Planning Committee

Purpose of committee

The Planning Committee is a committee of the Council. It has the power to make decisions on planning applications. This committee is open to the public. To register to speak at a Planning Committee meeting, please contact the Democratic Services team by 2pm the day before the meeting. Contact details for Democratic Services are as follows:, or call 01799 510 320/369/410/548.


The arrangements for public speaking at Planning Committee are as follows:


The Town or Parish Council representative and members of the public may attend the meeting and speak on any application being determined by the Planning Committee.


They must register with the Democratic Services Officer at Uttlesford District Council (telephone 01799 510 320/369/410/548) or e-mail: by 2pm on the day before the meeting. All speakers registering should indicate whether they are supporting or opposing the application.


The order of speaking for each application will be as follows:

1.                   Non-committee member

2.                   Supporters

3.                   Objectors

4.                   Town or Parish Council

5.                   Applicant or Agent


Non-committee members may speak for up to 5 minutes. The Town/Parish Council representative may speak for up to 5 minutes. Members of the public may speak for up to 3 minutes. Five slots are available to members of the public. Applicants and their representatives may speak for the same amount of time as those speaking against the application (non-committee members, town/parish council and objectors). If an application is recommended for approval and there are no registered speakers against the application, the applicant/agent will have the right to speak for up to 5 minutes.


Following the Designation of the Council by the Government in February 2022 applicants with proposed developments over 10 houses have the choice of their applications being determined by Uttlesford District Council or the Planning Inspectorate.


When an application is being determined by the Planning Inspectorate the purpose of the report to Planning Committee is not to determine the application but to provide the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) with the Council’s view of the planning application. The role of the District Council is solely as a consultee and its consultation runs parallel with other statutory and non-statutory consultees. Therefore, representations cannot be made at Planning Committee in regards to applications being determined by PINS.                                                                                                   

Alternatively, all consultees including third parties are encouraged to make their representations directly to PINS. The PINS will visit the site and consider the views of the Council and other consultees in determining the application, this could be through a formal hearing where all consultees will be allowed time to make representations directly.


Applications can be accessed at:

Section 62A Planning Applications - GOV.UK (


Comments relating to applications being determined by the Planning Inspectorate can be submitted;

via email to

or in writing to The Planning Inspectorate, Major Casework Team, Room 3J Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN




Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services. Email: