Issue - meetings


Meeting: 18/09/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 3)

3 UTT/18/2959/DFO Land East of Little Walden Road, Saffron Walden pdf icon PDF 119 KB

To consider application UTT/18/2959/DFO.

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Councillor Storah left the room and did not participate in the discussion or the vote.


The Planning Officer presented the application which was for the approval of reserved matters following a grant of outline planning permission via an appeal on 21 August 2017 (UTT/16/2210/OP). The outline permission included the approval of access, with the current application seeking the approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale.


The application was recommended for approval with conditions.


Councillor Freeman said that he supported the Parish Council’s objections.  He said that there was a loss of open space in comparison to the approved scheme; a reduction of 2000m2 and that the balancing pond couldn’t be considered as publically accessible open space as it would fill with water. Councillor Freeman also said that the relocation of the playground to a secluded area where it wasn’t overlooked by the houses raised safety concerns.


Councillors Bagnall and Gerard said the original scheme was acceptable however the new application was not.


The Committee discussed the application’s disregard of the national standards, and it was noted that Uttlesford District Council had not yet adopted the national standards. 


Councillor Freeman proposed the motion to refuse the application. Councillor Gerard seconded the motion.


RESOLVED to refuse the application; the Development Manager would bring the reasons for refusal back to committee for finalisation based on the Committee’s objections.


P Gadd and J Brindley spoke on the application