Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/10/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 5)

5 UTT/19/1725/FUL Land at Acre Croft, High Street, Great Chesterford pdf icon PDF 129 KB

To consider application UTT/19/1725/FUL


The Planning Officer presented a proposal for three new dwellings with associated garages with new access at land rear of Acre Croft (re-submission of previously approved scheme under references UTT/15/1424/OP and UTT/16/0328/DFO).


The application was recommended for approval with conditions.


The members discussed that the site location formed backland development and that it was therefore in contravention of policy H4 of the adopted Uttlesford Local plan.  There was also discussion about the best use of the land and the housing mix, as well as the access to the site.


Councillor Fairhurst proposed the motion to refuse the application citing the adopted Local Plan policies: H4, H10 and GEN1.


Councillor Gerard seconded the motion for refusal.


RESOLVED to refuse the application.


Cllr N Gregory and N Taylor spoke on the application.