Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/11/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 6)

6 UTT/19/0437/OP - Land South of Rush Lane, Elsenham pdf icon PDF 508 KB

To consider application UTT/19/0437/OP.


Councillor LeCount left the room for the discussion of this item.


The Planning Officer gave a summary of the report which recommended approval with conditions of an outline application for the erection of up to 40 dwellings with all matters reserved except for access subject to a s106 agreement.


Members expressed concern that the application would have a negative impact on the protection of the countryside and the Countryside Protection Zone, and would therefore be contrary to policies S7 and S8. On balance the negative impact of the application would be greater than the positive impact.


Councillor Fairhurst proposed refusal of the application. Councillor Reeve seconded this motion.


                        RESOLVED to refuse the application for the following reason:


The proposed development by reason of the site's location lying outside development limits within the countryside and also the Countryside Protection Zone (CPZ) would be harmful to the particular character of the countryside in which the site is set and harmful to the openness of the Countryside Protection Zone. As such, the development would be contrary to ULP Policies S7 and S8 of the Uttlesford Local Plan (adopted 2005) whereby the adverse environmental effects arising from this rural harm and loss of openness would significantly and demonstrably outweigh any identified benefits of the submitted scheme, including the site's sustainable location relative to local services and public transport provision and the inclusion of affordable housing when assessed against the policies contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (February 2019) taken as a whole.


Councillor Lees, A Hathaway, G Easton and F Hickling spoke on this application.