Issue - meetings

COVID 19 Performance Indicator Report 3

Meeting: 10/09/2020 - Governance, Audit and Performance Committee (Item 6)

6 COVID 19 Performance Indicator Report 3 pdf icon PDF 127 KB

To receive the Covid-19 Performance Indicators report.

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The PFI and Performance Officer gave a summary of the report, which provided the outturn for all Covid- 19 performance indicators for the period 6 July to 9 August 2020. He said that despite continuing pressures imposed on service delivery due to the Covid- 19 pandemic, the data outturns highlighted that services continued to perform well and was broadly similar to last year.


He specifically drew Paragraph 18 of the report to the attention of Members that detailed five particular issues to note.


Councillor Foley asked how the Pay and Display indicators compared to other authorities.


The PFI and Performance Officer said that he would obtain data from the North Essex Parking Partnership and would bring it back to the Committee.


Councillor Khan said that he recognised these were not normal times and that the Council should look at targets for recovery. He suggested monitoring FOI information from a governance perspective.


The PFI and Performance Officer said that he recognised the time lag between the collection and publication of local and national data. He said that in future Essex CCC should be in a position to gather more current data.


The Chair noted the performance of services during the COVID- 19 pandemic as per the recommendation.





In response to a question from Councillor Khan, the Chair said that AOB was not on the agenda but on this occasion he would take Councillor Khan’s question.  Councillor Khan raised the issue of the Annual Accounts being brought to the Committee’s October meeting and specifically referred to his understanding that the £240,000 Debden Village Hall loan or grant from the MOD or the Army that had been passed on by the Council would appear as a liability in the accounts. He asked the Director – Finance and Corporate Services to arrange for a report to be submitted to the Committee that set out the history of the grant and considered the risks to the Council relating to the grant as well as considering lessons learned.


The Director – Finance and Corporate Services said that a report would be provided at the next meeting and that it would be issued ten days in advance of the meeting and not ‘to follow’ or tabled on the night.


The Committee thanked the Audit Manager for her efforts and wished her well in the future



The meeting closed at 7:50pm