Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/08/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 3)

3 UTT/18/2574/FUL - Land South of Stortford Road, Great Dunmow pdf icon PDF 855 KB

To consider application UTT/18/2574/FUL.

Additional documents:


The Development Manager stated that the hybrid application sought outline planning permission for demolition of existing buildings and development of up to 332 dwellings, including affordable housing, a Health Centre and new access from roundabout on B1256 Stortford Road together with provision of open space incorporating SuDS and other associated works. Full planning permission was sought for demolition of existing buildings and development of Phase 1 to comprise 108 dwellings, including affordable housing, a new access from roundabout on B1256 Stortford Road, internal circulation roads and car parking, open space incorporating SuDS and play space and associated landscaping, infrastructure and other works.


The Development Manager said that the scheme had been plan led, there was no overcluster and affordable housing was mixed into the development. The application was recommended for approval with conditions subject to S106 legal obligation.


Members welcomed the exemplary level of collaboration between all parties. Comments were made in respect of the infrastructure around the capacity of the A120, water provision, funding and management arrangements, involving the Town Council and education and health provision.


The Development Manager confirmed that the Friends of Flitch Way were happy with the proposals and had been working with the developer. He also said that it would be possible to add a condition relating to school access and safeguarding.


Councillor Fairhurst congratulated the Planning Department and proposed approval of the application with conditions.


Councillor Pavitt seconded the motion.


RESOLVED to approve the application, subject to S106 legal obligation.



Councillor P Lavelle (on behalf of Great Dunmow Town Council) and E Ledwidge spoke on the application.



The Committee adjourned at 11.33 am and reconvened at 11.43 am.