Issue - meetings

UTT/19/3124/FUL - Brook End Farm Stables, Easton Lodge, Park Road, Little Easton

Meeting: 19/08/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 8)

8 UTT/19/3124/FUL - Brook End Farm Stables, Easton Lodge, Park Road, Little Easton pdf icon PDF 562 KB

To consider application UTT/19/3124/FUL.


Agenda Items 8 and 9 related to the same property and were discussed together with recorded votes being taken separately on each item.


The Senior Planning Officer presented a proposal to demolish existing outbuildings and the conversion and extension of the existing stables complex to form 9 separate dwelling units together with private rear gardens, a green private community space to the front of the building and associated communal resident parking area to the side with an existing paddock area. The 9 dwelling units consisted of 7x two bedroom properties and 2x three bedroom properties.


He said that the application represented a revised application following previous submissions for 11 dwelling units. He referred to the Parish Council and ECC Place Services (Heritage) objections that had been submitted. He said that the outbuildings had previously been an active livery yard but that the current tenants had to look elsewhere as facilities were not modern enough. He said that residential use was the only viable option for restoration of the building.


The application was recommended for approval with conditions.


Two public speakers then spoke on the two agenda items.


The Committee adjourned at 3.19 pm and reconvened at 3.22 pm.


Members expressed concerns as to whether this was possibly a “manufactured situation” in that there remained a demand for a livery. The applicant had indicated that there was no future demand for stables and that a change of use was the only way forward. Members referred to ULP Policy H6 that stated that the conversion of rural buildings to dwellings would be permitted provided that the criteria contained within the policy was complied with. Various Members commented that the current outbuildings appeared to be an impressive structure.


Councillor Sutton said that the stables had previously been full to capacity and they were seen as “a safe place”.


Councillor Lemon said that employment opportunities should not be lost and asked how many staff had been employed at the livery.


Councillor Sutton said that there had been six staff employed together with weekend staff.


Councillor Bagnall and Councillor Loughlin both commented on the role of Strutt and Parker in their production of a Financial viability study, whilst also acting as the agent.


Several Members considered the location to be unsustainable. Councillor LeCount said that the buildings were 3.3k away from the nearest bus stop.


Following a full debate, Councillor Merifield proposed refusal of the application on the basis of sustainability, ULP Policy S7- The Countryside, ULP Policy ENV2- Development affecting Listed Buildings and ULP Policy H6- Conversion of rural buildings to residential use.


Councillor Lemon seconded the motion.


RESOLVED to refuse the application. 



A Dodsley and A Sherry spoke on the two applications.