Issue - meetings


Meeting: 28/10/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 5)

5 UTT/20/1596/OP - Land At Maranello, Watch House Green, Felsted, Dunmow pdf icon PDF 415 KB

To consider application UTT/20/1596/OP.


The Senior Planning Officer said that this proposal was for outline planning permission for the erection of seven dwellings with allmatters reserved except for access. A new access road would be provided which would join onto the new access road already approved on appeal as part of planning application UTT/18/1011/OP for 28 dwellings to the adjacent site. An indicative plan had been submitted showing a mix of three and four bedroomed detached and link-detached dwellings. All dwellings had on plot parking and the indicative plans showed four additional visitor parking spaces. All dwellings had in excess of 100m2 private amenity space and the indicative plans showed the loss of 7 trees with 9 new trees to be planted.


The application was recommended for approval with conditions with unilateral undertaking- Special Protection Areas/RAMSAR.


Councillor Bagnall asked whether the applications for 28 and 7 dwellings could be considered together in respect of possible S106 conditions and affordable housing.


The Development Manager said the application had to be considered as only 7 dwellings as officers were satisfied that the two sites were in separate ownership.


The Chair, as the Ward Member for Felsted and Stebbing said that the application was outside development limits; she referred to the comments made by the Parish Council and urged Members not to support the application. She also said that she considered it to be a case of development creep.


Members discussed possible reasons for refusal of the application but recognised that the Council could not demonstrate a five year supply of deliverable housing sites; and because that figure was one of less than three years supply, the added protection of paragraph 14 of the NPPF pertaining to Neighbourhood Plans would not apply.


The Development Manager said that on a tilted balance consideration the weight to be given to the requirement to provide a 5 year land supply and the housing provision which could be delivered by the proposal outweighed the harm identified in relation to rural restraint set out in ULP Policy S7.


Councillor Loughlin commented that the democratic system in planning was being eroded and this view received support.


Councillor Lemon said that he regrettably proposed approval as recommended by officers and Councillor Caton seconded the motion.


RESOLVED to approve the application with conditions with unilateral undertaking – SPA/RAMSAR.


G Fisher spoke on the application.