Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/12/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 5)

5 UTT/20/2169/FUL - The Pyghle, The Downs, STEBBING pdf icon PDF 267 KB

To consider application UTT/20/2169/FUL.


The Planning Officer said that the application related to the proposed demolition of the existing dwelling and the erection of 3 dwellings, creation of vehicular access and parking areas and associated landscaping. Within her presentation she showed comparisons between the proposed development and the previous refused development. The previous Outline approval had been for two properties.


The application was recommended for approval with conditions.


Some Members confirmed that they had visited the site. Concerns were expressed about access points and visibility, whether the narrow lane could support additional traffic and the effects to the Common Land. Mention was also made of Brownfield site.


Members primarily focused on the fact that the proposal was for a 50% increase in properties from two to three. Concerns were expressed that this represented overdevelopment and comments were made that the applicant should continue with an application for two rather than three properties.


The Development Manager said that the site was on previously developed land and was therefore Brownfield. He said that all three dwellings had sufficient car parking in line with the standards. He said that any use of the Common Land was beyond the control of the applicant.


Councillor Loughlin said that she was in agreement with the objections expressed by the Parish Council but that the parking standards had been met and if the matter went to appeal it would most likely be lost. She said the application could not be refused.


Councillor Reeve raised a point of order and asked why the original application for three properties had been refused.


The Planning Officer said that this had been on the basis of scale, form and layout (S7 and GEN2).


Councillor Fairhurst sought further guidance on this matter from the Development Manager on the overdevelopment concerns. He proposed refusal of the application on the basis of overdevelopment in respect of concerns about access and the impact of the development on the highway.


Councillor Le Count seconded the motion.


RESOLVED to refuse the application on the grounds of concerns about access and the impact of the development on the highway.



Councillor J Evans and Cllr C Cant (Stebbing PC) spoke against the application and LTrevillian (agent) spoke in support.


The meeting adjourned at 12.42 pm and re-convened at 1.45 pm.