Issue - meetings

UTT/20/0921/DFO Land North Of Ashdon Road, Ashdon Road, Saffron Walden

Meeting: 16/12/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 4)

4 UTT/20/0921/DFO Land North Of Ashdon Road, Ashdon Road, SAFFRON WALDEN pdf icon PDF 897 KB

To consider application UTT/20/0921/DFO.


The Development Management Team Leader said that the application was for reserved matters permission for “Details following outline application UTT/17/3413/OP - Erection of 4 commercial buildings for use as B1, B2 and/or D2 in the alternative together with access road, car parking, bins and bike stores and associated works. The application detailed appearance, landscaping, layout and scale.


She said that the scheme would allow for the bank of 4 commercial units to link up to the GR8 building. She corrected Paragraph 11.13 of the report and clarified that the proposed height of 9.5 metres was in accordance with the approved parameters. She said that the agent had confirmed that the total floor space would be 1557 sq metres and that the parking standards required would be between 31 and 52 spaces and not 83 as stated in the report. She also explained the cycle spaces provision requirements. She said that SuDS was not an issue and explained that various conditions had already been covered in the outline permission as well as there being some duplication.


The scheme was recommended for approval with conditions.


Members raised questions about ecology and SuDS issues but primarily focused on Paragraph 11.27 of the report that stated that the size of the parking bays were below the standard. The point was made that many vehicles visiting GR8, a tool hire company were likely to be of significant size e.g. trucks.


Officers explained that in some instances items would be collected from the yard by vehicles and the Development Manager provided some general guidance in respect of parking standards.


Councillor Fairhurst said that it was important to retain the standards and proposed that the matter be deferred until the parking spaces numbers had been re-worked.


Councillor Freeman said that if the GR8 was separate then if the item was to be approved a condition should be added but he seconded the motion.


RESOLVED to defer the application until the parking space numbers had been re-worked.



P Belton (agent) spoke in support of the application.


Councillor De Vries left the meeting at 12.02 pm