Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/01/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 91)

91 UTT/20/2009/FUL - Land West of Radwinter Road, ASHDON pdf icon PDF 515 KB

To consider application UTT/20/2009/FUL.


The Senior Planning Officer said that the application was for the erection of 5 dwellings, with access from Radwinter Road. All dwellings would be two storey detached; four had four bedrooms and one had three bedrooms.


The site was located off Radwinter Road in Ashdon and comprised of a portion of undeveloped agricultural land, which was sited between the property of Little House to the north of the site and a number of agricultural buildings to the south of the site.


The scheme was recommended for approval with conditions.


In response to various concerns from Members about drainage and the possible flood risk, the Senior Planning Officer clarified that the application did not require sustainable drainage or consultation from the local flood authority. It was confirmed that a storage tank would be installed to the rear of Plot 5, and managed by all 5 properties collectively, to mitigate the flood risk and water would be discharged into the River Bourn at no more than greenfield runoff rate. The applicant would need to obtain a licence from the Environmental Agency to discharge into the river and this was not a matter for the Committee.


Members raised further concerns regarding topography of the proposed development and suggested that the applicant explored a better location, in line with the emerging neighbourhood plan, as this may alleviate any flooding concerns.


Councillor Fairhurst proposed that the application be deferred so that the committee can be provided with further information regarding the issues raised around the drainage and flood risk.


Councillor Freeman seconded the motion.


RESOLVED to defer the application.


J Smith (agent) spoke in support of the application.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 and reconvened at 11:25


The Chair announced that the agenda was to be reorder and item 5 (UTT/20/2486/FUL - North of Laburnham View, High Street, ELMDON) would be heard last.