Issue - meetings

The non-strategic policies in the withdrawn Local Plan

Meeting: 22/02/2021 - Local Plan Leadership Group (Item 3)

3 The Non-Strategic Policies in the Withdrawn Local Plan pdf icon PDF 114 KB

To consider the non-strategic policies in the withdrawn Local Plan.

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The Local Plan and New Communities Manager presented a report the non-strategic policies in the withdrawn Local Plan.  They explained that the withdrawn Local Plan had a number of non-strategic policies where there may be scope for reusing elements of these policies and the chair of LPLG had requested that the group consider these.


Members were reminded to keep an open mind as the first consultation on the Local Plan was ongoing and no decisions would be made on policies until the deadline for representations had passed.


The group discussed the non-strategic policies in the withdrawn local plan and fed back on the content and policy gaps. The following was noted:

·         Officers confirmed that all policies would be reviewed in line with a refreshed evidence base and they agreed to bring a schedule to an upcoming meeting which would demonstrate how they anticipate they will refresh the evidence base since the last local plan two years ago.

·         Members indicated that they would welcome updated housing policies, including encouraging the construction and protection of more bungalows, the removal of permitted development rights if it is in the community’s interest and regulating HMOs.

·         Members debated the need to incorporate Essex County Council standards, such as on garden and parking sizes, into the plan as they felt that some guidance did not work effectively in practice. Officers highlighted that some standards are nationally prescribed so must be considered, and that the government were currently consulting on new design codes. It was agreed that the group would review current guidance to agree whether it is appropriate for inclusion in the new local plan.

·         Members suggested asking for input from third tiers at the early stages of non-strategic policy development.

·         Officers clarified that local housing need is calculated using a standard methodology by Planning Policy Guidance and National Planning Policy Framework. Whilst they act as a guide, officers would have to provide exceptional reasons, should they use an alternative methodology which provides a lower requirement.


During discussion, the group highlighted the importance of collaborative working between members and officers in order to create achievable policies. It was agreed that members would contact the Local Plan and New Communities Manager with their preferred policy areas in order to work with officers on developing policy once the consultation had closed. It was noted that the draft policies in the new local plan would go out for consultation in Spring 2022.


The Chair also requested that members who did not have a paper copy of the previously withdrawn local plan should contact the Local Plan and New Communities Manager who would arrange for one to be distributed to them.


Cllr Sutton arrived at 19:06