Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/10/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 59)

59 UTT/21/1495/FUL - Land East of the Stag Inn, Duck Street, LITTLE EASTON pdf icon PDF 741 KB

To consider application UTT/21/1495/FUL.


The Planning Officer presented an application for the erection of 44 residential units and 3 commercial units with the inclusion of 3 additional plots for self-build homes; together with associated access, carparking and landscaping. She said that a correction needed to be made to her report in that it was the cottage that was listed and not the public house.


The application was recommended for approval with conditions with S106.


Comments were raised in respect of:

·         The scale of the proposed development being clustered rather than linear as per the rest of the village.

·         The right sort of development but in the wrong place.

·         The unsustainability of the development.

·         The positioning of the 18 affordable units in one area of the development.

·         The sustainability and possible size of three affordable commercial units.

·         The intention to meet Passivhaus standards.

·         Possible flooding in the area, specifically relating to significant water lying on the road.

·         Condition 15 relating to SuDS.

·         Amenity concerns, particularly relating to the impact from the Sewage pumping station being 15 metres from each dwelling.

·         Loss of valued landscape.

·         Access to the site and traffic implications.

·         Lack of information given to residents.

·         Lack of local amenities and public transport.

·         Due consideration of the tilted balance.


Councillor Caton proposed that the application be approved. This was seconded by the Chair.


The motion was lost.


Councillor Lemon proposed that the item be deferred in order to obtain a clearer picture in respect of the flooding on the road and to get further information in respect of the commercial units.


RESOLVED to defer the application in order to obtain a clearer picture in respect of the flooding on the road and to get further information in respect of the commercial units.


Councillor M Tayler, O Armes, E Wells, J Sihota, G Wassell, Councillor L Pepper (as a resident) and Councillor S Sidgwick (on behalf of Little Easton PC) all spoke against the application. N Bennett (Agent) spoke in support.



The Meeting adjourned at 12.20 pm and reconvened at 1.20 pm.