Issue - meetings


Meeting: 24/11/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 3)

3 UTT/20/3329/DFO - Land to the South West of London Road, GREAT CHESTERFORD pdf icon PDF 590 KB

To consider application UTT/20/3329/DFO.


The Senior Planning Officer presented a Reserved Matters application, seeking approval of appearance, layout, scale and landscaping for 76 dwellings following approval of outline planning permission for UTT/19/0573/OP.


The application was recommended for approval subject to conditions.


A correction was made in respect of paragraph 6.2 of the report. The comments made were from Little Chesterford Parish Council.


Members discussed:

·         The location of the Children’s playground.

·         The positioning of affordable housing on site.

·         The situation in respect of no affordable bungalows along with available one storey developments and ground floor properties, together with wheelchair accessibility.

·         Footpaths and cycle paths.

·         Construction Management Plan and signage regime to ensure access from M11 direction.

·         Re-wording Condition 4 in respect of the Electricity sub-station to ensure that independent measurements are taken.

·         Inadequate water and sewage systems. Conservation of water and wildlife spaces.

·         Safety “green fencing” at the rear of the development.

·         Lack of a green buffer.

·         Early planting of trees ahead of development.

·         Highways Essex road safety issues and speed limits.

·         An outline application from the same applicant to build 124 dwellings on an adjacent site.


Councillor Emanuel proposed approval of the application with five additional conditions:


·         Amendments to the Electricity sub-station requirements in Condition 4 of the outline planning permission.

·         Condition 22 of the outline planning permission in respect of the Construction Management Plan to cover routing, signage, instructions to suppliers and parking.

·         Screening and the early planting of trees to be brought forward prior to the development of the site.

·         Condition 8 of the outline planning permission to be varied to an additional line after trespass proof fence requirements to include consideration of carbon absorbing material.

·         Ensure references to renewable solutions and water harvesting are captured and kept.


Councillor LeCount seconded the motion.


RESOLVED to approve the application, together with the additional five conditions detailed above.


Councillor N Gregory made a number of observations regarding the development. Councillor F Wilkinson (on behalf of Little Chesterford PC) and Councillor D Hall (on behalf of Great Chesterford) spoke against the application. C Houston (Agent) spoke in support.