Issue - meetings


Meeting: 15/12/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 6)

6 UTT/21/0247/OP - The Rise, Brick End, BROXTED pdf icon PDF 483 KB

To consider application UTT/21/0247/OP.


The Principal Planning Officer presented an outline application with all matters reserved except access, layout and scale for the demolition of two existing buildings and erection of three new buildings, together with creation of a Craft Hub and re-formation of existing parking areas with associated landscaping.


The application was recommended for approval with conditions.


There then followed presentations from the public, the agent and the applicant.


The meeting adjourned at 3.02 pm and re-convened at 4.00 pm.


Members discussed:

·         The many concerns raised by the public speakers.

·         The location not being suitable for larger development and that this would constitute overdevelopment.

·         Lack of car passing spaces on narrow roads.

·         Access on a bend.

·         Protected lanes.

·         Flooding.

·         Parking arrangements.

·         Whether Essex CC Highways had visited the site.

·         Inconsistencies in the reports from the Landscape Officer on-line and in the report.

·         What could constitute a craft hub.


The Principal Planning Officer confirmed that Highways had visited the site on three occasions. He also clarified the status of the reports from the Landscape Officer and confirmed that the SUDs team were satisfied with the flood risk assessment.


Councillor Pavitt said that overdevelopment access, traffic volumes and damage to the protected lane were the key issues. He proposed that the application be refused on the grounds of GEN 2, S7 & S8, GEN 7 & ENV 9.


The motion was seconded by Councillor LeCount.


RESOLVED to refuse the application on the grounds as detailed above. above.


Dr Z Rutterford, S Cousins, K Rixson (Broxted PC Clerk) spoke against the application. Statements were read out against the application from Councillor V Isham and W O’Connor.


A Gunne-Jones (Agent) and D Bye (Applicant) spoke in support of the application.



Councillor LeCount left the meeting at 4.40 pm.