Issue - meetings

Finance Update & Budget consultation outcomes 2018-19

Meeting: 30/11/2017 - Cabinet (Item 20)

20 Finance Update & Budget consultation outcomes 2018-19 pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To consider a finance update and budget consultation outcomes.

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Councillor Dean reported Scrutiny Committee’s consideration of the finance update and budget consultation outcomes.  He said he had been pleased at the level of public participation in the consultation, compared to other councils.  He understood the consultation had been included with Uttlesford Life and was accompanied by a prepaid envelope.  He said the Scrutiny Committee had questioned how the responses would be taken into account, and had received the response that residents’ views would be listened to, but that there were limits on resources.  He noted responses regarding car parks were fewer than for other areas, despite car parks representing an area about which people were often concerned.  Councillor Dean said there had also been an apparent lack of understanding of the distinctions between different levels of local government, as some comments had related to responsibilities which were within the remit of Essex County Council, and those comments should be passed on to the County Council to make them aware of the areas of concern.  No major conclusions were reached on the public consultation. 


Councillor Rolfe thanked Councillor Dean for his comments. 


Councillor Howell said he would address Councillor Dean’s report from Scrutiny Committee.  He presented a report on the finance update and outcomes of the budget consultation for 2018/19.  He said whilst the Budget had now taken place, in early December he would be likely soon to receive a provisional update on the financial settlement.  There was still significant uncertainty on income, not least because of a further consultation on the New Homes Bonus which could have a significant impact on a portion of the Council’s income. 


Councillor Howell referred members to the report which set out areas which he said should be taken into account when considering the budget preparation process.


On the subject of the budget consultation, Councillor Howell said the level of engagement had been fantastic, as 1,800 people had responded.  However, this was not a referendum, and it was the Council’s role to listen to replies, align priorities and allocate resources.  In receiving the results of the consultation, the Council would not limit how it chose to invest its funding, but it was an important part of the process to understand priorities of residents.  The outcome of a consultation was not the only basis on which the Council made investment decisions.  The Scrutiny Committee had had a useful debate and it was important not to lose sight of the wood for the trees.  There was clearly some confusion as to which areas fell to which level of local authority government, and this was a well made point.  The report set out the Council’s initial thoughts on budget preparation processes, including proposals to respond to the consultation responses.