Agenda, decisions and minutes

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Live Broadcast: For Council, Cabinet and Committee Meeting broadcasts please select the hyperlink available on this page under the Media banner a few minutes before the meeting is due to begin. Please note that Panel, Board, Forum and Working Group meetings are not generally broadcast on the website. We believe that live streaming video of our formal decision making meetings, and publishing the recordings to be watched back later, is good for democracy – and you can find these videos on our website. This video technology sits alongside the longstanding practice of providing seats in the public gallery for members of the public and journalists to turn up and watch our in-person meetings live. Please understand that whilst we will continue to make every reasonable effort to ensure that our key public meetings at which important decisions are live streamed and recorded, any failure in that technology does not in any way invalidate the legitimacy of that meeting or of the decisions taken at it. Even in the event of such occasional technical failures, the public gallery will still have been open, as required by law, and the minutes of the meetings will still be made available in due course.

Venue: Council Chamber - Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden, CB11 4ER. View directions


No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest

To receive any apologies for absence and declarations of interest.


Apologies were received from Councillor Coote and Councillors Gregory (Chair of Scrutiny) and Pavitt (Leader of the Uttlesford Independents).



Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 93 KB

To consider the minutes of the previous meeting on 29 June 2023 and the extraordinary meeting on 23 August 2023.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 29 June and 23 August 2023 were approved as correct records.


Questions or Statements from Non-Executive Members of the Council (standing item)

To receive questions or statements from non-executive members on matters included on the agenda.


There were no questions or statements from non-executive members.


Report of Delegated Decisions taken by Cabinet Members (standing item)

To receive for information any delegated decisions taken by Cabinet Members since the previous Cabinet meeting.


The Leader reported the delegated decision relating to the Little Canfield Car Park Works published on 19 October 2023.


Report on assets of community value determined by the Assets of Community Value and Local Heritage List Committee (standing item)

To receive for information any decisions made by the Assets of Community Value committee since the previous Cabinet meeting.


There were no decisions to report.


Consideration of reports from overview and scrutiny committees (standing item)

To consider any reports from Scrutiny Committee.


No reports were considered from overview or scrutiny committees.


Conservation Area Smiths Green pdf icon PDF 95 KB

To consider the report regarding the Conservation Area Smiths Green.

Additional documents:




I.                 That the Smiths Green Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan be approved and used to assist in the process of determining planning applications and for implementing management proposals.


II.               That the Smiths Green Conservation Area be formally designated.


The Leader indicated that she would be rearranging agenda items for the benefit of the public and officers present and proceeded with item 9.


The Principal Website Officer presented the report regarding the proposed Conservation Area at Smiths Green, Takeley. He said a heritage assessment and audit was commissioned in 2022 by Takeley Parish Council as part of their Neighbourhood Plan process. This assessment highlighted the potential to designate Smiths Green as a Conservation Area and Takeley Parish Council commissioned Place Services in 2023 to undertake a conservation area appraisal of Smiths Green. The appraisal recommended the designation of a conservation area and identified the proposed conservation area boundary. The parish council considered the appraisal a worthwhile document which would likely strengthen the control of development. Takeley Parish Council approached Uttlesford District Council officers to request the designation of a conservation area at Smiths Green. As the local planning authority, the council was required to carry out a public consultation on the proposed conservation area, which included holding a public meeting in Takeley. He recommended that Cabinet approve the designation set out in the report. 


Councillor Evans proposed approval of the recommendations; this was seconded by Councillor Sutton.


In response to a question from Councillor Reeve,





I.                 That the Smiths Green Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan be approved and used to assist in the process of determining planning applications and for implementing management proposals.


II.               That the Smiths Green Conservation Area be formally designated.


Corporate Plan pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To consider the Corporate Plan.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED to approve the Corporate Plan.


The Leader presented the report regarding the Corporate Plan, which outlined the Council’s vision and priorities over the next four years. She said the Corporate Plan had been streamlined andset out measurable delivery targets in order to provide focus.  In addition, a new priority had been included which focused on rural-specific initiatives and working patterns, both across council services and more broadly across partner agencies. She said Cabinet would monitor progress on a quarterly basis and the Corporate Plan would be considered by Council in February, which would include the updates requested by the Scrutiny Committee. She proposed approval of the Corporate Plan, and commended Councillor Reeve for his previous work on the Plan.


Councillor Reeve seconded the proposal. He said this Plan would provide focus on the Council’s key priorities.


The Corporate Plan was approved unanimously.



RESOLVED to approve the Corporate Plan.


Local Council Tax Support Scheme Proposals - 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 200 KB

To consider the Local Council Tax Support Scheme Proposals 2024/25.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED to recommend Council approve the Local Council Tax

Support Scheme for 2023/24 as set out below:


I.                 The contribution rate is frozen at 12.5% for 2024/25.

II.               The Council continues to protect Pensioners, Vulnerable and Disabled Residents and their Carer’s on a low income.


Councillor Hargreaves presented the report regarding the Local Council Tax Support Scheme proposals for 2024/25, and said that Uttlesford had administered the scheme with the lowest percentage contribution requirement of any authority in Essex for ten years. He said there was a requirement to annually review the Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) Scheme in order to propose changes to the scheme for the following financial year. The decisions made, even if no change were proposed, must then be consulted upon before a decision is taken at Full Council in December on the final scheme for the following financial year. He said the consultation had run from 3 July to 4 September 2023 and the council had received the highest number of responses in comparison to previous years. In total, 70 responses had been received, which gave a 46% increase on the number of responses received in 2022. Furthermore, 62.8% had supported the proposals. He also highlighted the Exceptional Hardship Fund and Cost of Living Support which had been setup to support tresidents suffering from extreme financial hardship. He proposed approval of the recommendations set out in the report.


Councillor Reeve seconded the proposals; he said it was important that details relating to the Exceptional Hardship Fund and Cost of living Support were well advertised and asked members to “spread the word”.


In response to a question from the Leader, the Director of Business Performance and People said data relating to other local authorities would be sharedlater in November.


The proposals were approved unanimously.



RESOLVED to recommend Council approve the Local Council Tax

Support Scheme for 2023/24 as set out below:


I.              The contribution rate is frozen at 12.5% for 2024/25.

II.            The Council continues to protect Pensioners, Vulnerable and Disabled Residents and their Carer’s on a low income.


Revenue Bid - Reporting Tool for Development Management, Enforcement, Building Control, Environmental Services including Licensing pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To consider the report regarding the Revenue Bid - Reporting Tool for Development Management, Enforcement, Building Control and Environmental Services including Licensing.


RESOLVED to approve the opportunity regarding the reporting tool and agree to the funding of £45,600 which covers a two-year period from the MTFS reserve.


Councillor Evans presented the report regarding the revenue bid for a reporting tool for the use of Development management, Building Control and Environmental services, including the Licensing department. The report stated that the council had been approached by the IT service provider, IDOX, who had created a powerful performance tool called Idox Insights – basically Power BI where ‘create rich, interactive data visualisations from multiple data sources and share important business insights that drive success/es.’ He said the system would produce efficiencies at a good cost. He proposed approval of the recommendations.


Councillor Hargreaves seconded the proposal.


The Strategic Director of Planning said the system would result in automated processes that would save time. He said the project would begin in this financial year.


In response to a question regarding the effectiveness of the system, the Strategic Director of Planning said Uttlesford would be a “vanguard” council as this system was not yet in operation elsewhere. However, the company was longstanding and well reputed in local government.


Members commended the report. The proposal was approved unanimously.


RESOLVED to approve the opportunity regarding the reporting tool and agree to the funding of £45,600 which covers a two-year period from the MTFS reserve.


Christmas Car Parking Incentives pdf icon PDF 65 KB

To consider the report regarding Christmas Car Park Incentives.


RESOLVED to approve:

I.                 Free parking from midday in Saffron Walden (excluding Fairycroft Road

car park) on 17th November 2023 to coincide with the lantern parade

and Christmas light switch on event.


II.               Free parking all day on Friday 24th November 2023 in Saffron Walden

(excluding Fairycroft Road), Great Dunmow and Stansted Mountfitchet

to encourage shoppers into the town centres on Black Friday.


III.              Free parking all day on Saturday 23rd December 2023 in Saffron

Walden (excluding Fairycroft Road), Great Dunmow and Stansted to encourage last minute local shopping.


RESOLVED to approve:

I.                 Free parking from midday in Saffron Walden (excluding Fairycroft Road

car park) on 17th November 2023 to coincide with the lantern parade

and Christmas light switch on event.


II.               Free parking all day on Friday 24th November 2023 in Saffron Walden

(excluding Fairycroft Road), Great Dunmow and Stansted Mountfitchet

to encourage shoppers into the town centres on Black Friday.


III.              Free parking all day on Saturday 23rd December 2023 in Saffron

Walden (excluding Fairycroft Road), Great Dunmow and Stansted to encourage last minute local shopping.


Corporate Core Indicators 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To receive the report regarding Corporate Core Indicators 2022/23.

Additional documents:


The Leader presented the report regarding Corporate Core indicators 2023/24, which outlined the new Corporate Core Indicators (CCIs) which would provide members with quarterly performance data and, where possible, benchmarking comparisons to other similar Local Authorities.


The Director of Business Performance and People said this was a new and evolving process and more data would be collated in future updates. She said that the benchmarking group used for comparison would be drawn from

Uttlesford District Council’s statistical near neighbours (SNN) as identified in

the annual Financial Resilience Index produced by CIPFA (as seen in Table 11 of the report).


The report was noted.


Audio Visual system replacement pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To consider the report regarding an Audio Visual system replacement.


RESOLVED for the purposes of the Audio Visual System replacement to approve:


I.                 The capital budget is increased by £50,000; and

II.              A new revenue budget is established at a full year cost of £56,088.


Councillor Hargreaves presented the report regarding the Audio Visula System replacement. He said the current audio visual system in place at Saffron Walden need upgrading, and a system needed to be installed at the Little Canfield site. He said the upgrade was in line with Blueprint Uttlesford’s pledge “to do things better” and CIPFA guidance relting to the modernisation of buildings and IT systems. He said the current system was fragile and not fit for purpose as the microphones were at end of life and the camera was a Covid installation to

enable people to see the meetings when public attendance was restricted. He proposed approval of the recommendation.


Councillor Sutton seconded the proposal; she said this would be conducive to the public watching Planning Committee meetings and hearings.


Councillor Reeve said it was a lot of money but, when spread over ten years, the costs were reasonable and would prevent the frustrations that existed with the current system.


The proposal was approved unanimously.


RESOLVED for the purposes of the Audio Visual System replacement to approve:


I.                 The capital budget is increased by £50,000; and

II.              A new revenue budget is established at a full year cost of £56,088.


Quarter 1 Financial Forecast - 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 371 KB

To receive the Quarter 1 Financial Forecast 2023/24.




I.                 Approve the General Fund revenue virements set out at paragraph 27;


II.               Approve the General Fund capital virements set out at paragraph 41.


Councillor Hargreaves presented the report which set out the latest forecast financial performance of the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account, and capital programme, together with a summary of the Council’s treasury management position and updated prudential indicators. It was based upon actual income and expenditure from April to June 2023, together with forecasts for the remainder of the financial year. He highlighted the £786,000 underspend on the General Fund but stressed that this had to be seen in the context of a budgeted General Fund deficit that would be funded from reserves, and, in relation to the capital programme, the projects relating to Little Canfield Car Park works and air quality initiatives that had now been included in the forecast for capital expenditure. He said there were also a small number of General Fund revenue and capital virements to be approved by Cabinet.


Councillor Reeve said the Council were holding their own in comparison to the finances of other local authorities; he asked the Strategic Director of Finance, Commercialisation and Corporate Services what was his greatest concern in regards to the budget.


The Strategic Director of Finance, Commercialisation and Corporate Services said the Housing Revenue Account was his concern due to the drawing down of reserves in order to balance the budget.


Councillor Hargreaves said the Council had built up a sound reserve but this would not last forever. Whilst he acknowledged that the council was in a  good position compared to others it was still appropriate to be cautious in the face of economic challenges. He proposed approval of the reccomenedations set out in the report.


Councill Evans duly seconded.




I.                 Note the contents of this report, in particular the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account and capital programme forecast outturn positions, and updated prudential indicators;

II.               Approve the General Fund revenue virements set out at paragraph 27;

III.             Approve the General Fund capital virements set out at paragraph 41.


Treasury Management Q1 Report - 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To receive the Treasury Management Q1 Report – 2023/24.


Additional documents:


Councillor Hargreaves presented the report regarding the Council’s treasury management prudential indicators for Quarter 1. He highlighted Appendix A which had been prepared with the assistance of the Council’s treasury management advisers (Arlingclose), and summarised the Council’s treasury management activities for the period from 1 April to 30 June 2023. He said the largest loan was in relation to the Housing Revenue Account for the purposes of building council housing.


In response to a question from Councillor Reeve regarding interests rates, the Chief Executive said the Council’s exposure to interest rates was only true of a shrinking minority of borrowing, around a third, in line with the Medium Term Financial Strategy which would result in the selling of some assets, at which point the Council would be short-term debt free.


In response to a question from the Leader regarding investment income, Councillor Hargreaves said the figure taken in isolation did not take into account of indirect costs such as interest charges and MRP.


The report was noted.