Agenda item

Corporate Economic Development Strategy 2018/21

To consider the Corporate Economic Development Strategy for 2018/21.


  1. To adopt the Uttlesford Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2018-21.
  2. To approve the actions and associated revenue expenditure allocations for the period 2018–19 as follows:

                                          i.    Types of growth - £5k

                                         ii.    Key Sectors - Visitor economy - £50k

                                        iii.    Key Sectors - Rural economy - £10k

                                       iv.    Key sectors - Life Sciences, research and Innovation - £5k

                                        v.    Key sectors – Provision of Business Support £10k

                                       vi.    London Stansted Airport Location - £5k

                                      vii.    Proposed garden communities - £5k

                                     viii.    Connectivity - £10k

                                       ix.    Business rates relief development scheme - £60k


  1. To note the estimated that the MTFS assumes that the Economic Development actions revenue budget will remain at £160K from 2019–21.
  2. To note the provision in the proposed capital programme for £500K in 2018/19 for Superfast Essex Phase III and slippage of £100k from 2017/18 to 2020/21 for closing the 2% gap.



Members considered the corporate Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2018-21.  Councillor Ryles said the Strategy and Action Plan would maintain and strengthen delivery against the corporate priority of supporting sustainable business growth.  He referred members to the key themes of the Strategy and Action Plan, and highlighted each recommendation to Cabinet for revenue expenditure allocations, and points for noting, as set out in the report.


Councillor Barker welcomed investment in broadband coverage, as there were areas which still lacked broadband and telephone coverage, particularly in the South of the district. 


Councillor Dean said the Scrutiny Committee had not had the opportunity to consider this report in advance of this meeting, so he would review it with Councillor Ryles to explore the objectives set out.  He asked a question regarding the maximisation of opportunities at Stansted Airport. 


Councillor Ryles said the opposition of the Council to a second runway at the Airport did not preclude looking at business opportunities. 


Councillor Dean said he was aware of reference by BT to a trial of “ultrafast” broadband. 


Councillor Howell said it was important to put money where it would make the greatest contribution to the district.  It was critical for new properties to have access to broadband.  He was pleased there were clear objectives.  He had one concern, regarding the marketing potential at Stansted Airport, which could be misunderstood, as he would not wish to dilute the Council’s position that this was an airport in the countryside. 


Councillor Rolfe said a minor change to the word “maximise” could be made.


Councillor Redfern said that she was frequently asked by members of the community about superfast broadband, as the smaller villages and hamlets often did not have sufficient coverage and lack of it was a hindrance to business.  She asked for regular updates on this matter.


Councillor Ryles said he recognised the challenge, and would put in place additional resource for addressing gaps in broadband and telephony.  He would be happy to provide regular updates.  In response to a further comment that the Council seek information about gaps in the area, via Uttlesford Life, he said the challenge in doing that would be collate the numbers of responses.  He would prefer to communicate with parish clerks. 


Councillor Light said she welcomed the strategy, and asked a number of questions.


In replying, Councillor Ryles said examples of local and regional opportunities included the new college at Stansted Airport, as well as encouraging people travelling via the Airport to spend time in Saffron Walden; with reference to the meaning of “sustainable” this meant robust long-term development.


RESOLVED to adopt the Uttlesford Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2018-21:


a.    To approve the actions and associated revenue expenditure allocations for the period 2018–19 as follows:

                                          i.    Types of growth - £5k

                                         ii.    Key Sectors - Visitor economy - £50k

                                        iii.    Key Sectors - Rural economy - £10k

                                       iv.    Key sectors - Life Sciences, research and Innovation - £5k

                                        v.    Key sectors – Provision of Business Support £10k

                                       vi.    London Stansted Airport Location - £5k

                                      vii.    Proposed garden communities - £5k

                                     viii.    Connectivity - £10k

                                       ix.    Business rates relief development scheme - £60k


  1. To note the estimated that the MTFS assumes that the Economic Development actions revenue budget will remain at £160K from 2019–21.


  1. To note the provision in the proposed capital programme for £500K in 2018/19 for Superfast Essex Phase III and slippage of £100k from 2017/18 to 2020/21 for closing the 2% gap.


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