Agenda item

UTT/22/1014/OP - Land North of Hammonds Road, HATFIELD BROAD OAK

To consider application UTT/22/1014/OP.


The Senior Planning Officer presented an outline application with all matters reserved except access, for the erection of up to 24 dwellings, creation of new vehicular access from Hammonds Road, sustainable drainage systems, public open space and ecological enhancements.


He recommended that the Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report and a s106 agreement.


In response to questions from Members, officers:

  • Said that the flood risk assessment was assessed by the Local Flood Authority (Essex County Council).
  • Referred Members to the services and facilities, as well as the transport options in paragraph 14.3.6 of the officer’s report.
  • Said that drawings were only indicative (except for drawing SK12 that included the details for the access, visibility splays and highway works).
  • Said that there would be up to 10 affordable units.
  • Said that SK12 was the latest revised version of two superseded drawings.  


The Essex CC Highways Officer said that there had been delays as they had requested that a full topographical survey be undertaken. Initially Highways had said that proposals were not acceptable (as there was no clarity whether the visibility splays and highway works would take place on highway land and/or land within the applicant’s control, due to the presence of a ditch). However, this position had changed, as it was established on the ground by Highways that the above splays and highway works would not fall within the ditch, meaning they are deliverable. He also explained that the National Speed limit dropped to 30mph near the bell mouth and said that signage could be re-positioned in the event of any possible movement of speed limits between 22 and 30 metres. He said that the applicant had carried out speed surveys and that visibility splays were acceptable; he said the average speed had been assessed at 41.6mph.


Members discussed:

  • Possible concerns about footpaths and pedestrian access.
  • The possibility of a linear design.
  • The possibility of a wider buffer zone to the western edge.
  • The need to protect trees.
  • Retention of the pond within the site and maintenance of ditches on the northern edge of the site.
  • The need to complete highways work prior to any occupation as per Condition 16.
  • Government policy that a minimum of 25% of all affordable housing units secured through developer contributions should be First Homes; this related to the offer being made first to the local parish.
  • Housing needs relating to 2/3/4 bedroom properties; the Chair noted that 67% of the proposed housing related to 2/3 bedroom properties. Paragraph 14.11.1 outlined the Housing mix and affordable housing and officers said that Policy H10 had been effectively superseded by new evidence introduced through the UDC Strategic Housing Market Assessment pointing towards bigger properties.
  • That up to 24 dwellings could be built.


Councillor Emanuel proposed that the application be approved with additional conditions relating to the footpath (although this was deemed to be unnecessary for the outline permission), a buffer zone against the existing residential properties (to inform the layout in the reserved matters stage), pond retention and maintenance of ditches.


Councillor Freeman seconded the motion.


RESOLVED that the Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report, the s106 agreement and the additional four conditions above.



Councillor A Fisher (Hatfield Broad Oak PC) spoke against the application. S Butler (Agent) spoke in support.



There was a comfort break taken between 2.20 pm and 2.30 pm during which the Chair recused herself from the next item. Councillor Lemon returned to the meeting and took the Chair.


Supporting documents: