Agenda item

UTT/23/2141/FUL - Land South of Cornells Lane, WIDDINGTON

To consider application UTT/23/2141/FUL.


The Senior Planning Officer presented an application for the demolition of existing stables and buildings and the erection of a detached dwelling with wildflower meadow and planting.


He recommended that the application be refused for the reason set out in section 17 of the report.


In response to questions from Members, officers:

  • Confirmed that there would be no changes needed to existing access arrangements and visibility splays.
  • Said that the previous scheme had been refused and was an outline proposal.
  • Said that consideration could be given to removal of permitted development rights in respect of Class E (outbuilding) of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the General Permitted Development Order, only to the area where the wildflower meadow was proposed. For the land on and around the proposed dwelling, Permitted Development rights would not need to be withdrawn given that the scheme would not represent over-development of the site and the appropriate garden space could be secured even if Permitted Development rights were exercised.


Members discussed:

  • The possibility of some discretion being applied to this application, particularly with the meadow arrangements being conditioned.
  • There being general agreement with the points made by Councillor Hargreaves in his statement.
  • That the development would be quite contained.
  • That lighting arrangements could be conditioned.
  • That on the planning balance the benefits were considered to outweigh adverse impacts.
  • That the 1-unit scheme that benefitted from planning permission to the south of the application site was a material consideration that would show that the proposed dwelling would ‘round off’ the built form of this housing cluster, limiting the impact to the character and appearance of the area.


The Chair proposed that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development on the basis that the benefits outweighed the adverse impacts with conditions attached. This was seconded by Councillor Pavitt.


The conditions should include:

·       Time limit condition.

·       Implementation in accordance with the approved drawings.

·       All conditions recommended by consultees that meet the tests of paragraph 56 of the NPPF (as justified by the consultees).

·       A condition to ensure the wildflower meadow remains as such at all times (to preserve the character and appearance of the area).

·       Materials to be used in the external finishes (to preserve the character and appearance of the area).

·       Soft and hard landscaping measures (to preserve the character and appearance of the area).

·       Energy and water efficiency measures (to ensure energy and water efficiency as required by the adopted Uttlesford Interim Climate Change Planning Policy (2021).

·       To remove Permitted Development rights under Class E Part 1 Schedule 2 of the General Permitted Development Order for the area outlined in the drawings as wildflower meadow land (to ensure no built form is built on this open land).

·       A lighting design scheme for biodiversity (to avoid harm to protected species or priority species).

·       A car charger (to improve air quality).

·       A Part M condition (to ensure accessibility).

·       A contamination condition (phase 1, phase 2, etc.) to ensure no harm to human health and the environment.

·       A condition to ensure all existing structures are demolished and the container and any other buildings removed from the land (to preserve the character and appearance of the area).


RESOLVED that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development on the basis that the benefits outweighed the adverse impact, together with the above conditions.



A statement was read out from Councillor N Hargreaves supporting the application. T Gilder (Applicant) spoke in support.





The meeting ended at 5:15 pm.


Supporting documents: