Agenda item

Member Motion: Waste Service Disruption

To consider the Member Motion regarding Waste Service Disruption.


Councillor Moran presented his motion relating to the recent Waste Service Disruption. He said he had concerns regarding the service and the motion had been brought to Council for transparency reasons. He asked how much the disruption would cost the Council.


The motion was seconded by Councillor Church.


Councillor Sell said he supported the motion; communication from leading members of the administration on the disruption had not been good enough.


Councillor Luck said a Scrutiny Committee Task and Finish Group had already been set-up to look at the matter and report back its findings. He said the issue must be looked at and worked through in a proper manner.


Councillor Foley said he had been asked by residents whether the cost would be passed onto the taxpayer by way of a council tax rise; he thought this was unlikely.


Councillor Coote said the Leader had been working hard during the disruption to keep residents informed; he disagreed that sufficient leadership had not been displayed during the disruption.


The Leader said it had been agreed with the Chief Executive that he would send out communications on the matter, as he was the direct line manager of those working “on the ground” dealing with the disruption. She said she was in constant contact with the Chief Executive and it would have been a vanity project to commandeer such messages. She thanked the Chief Executive and all officers who had worked hard to resume normal service.


Councillor Neil Reeve apologised for the disruption and said he took responsibility as the relevant Portfolio Holder. He said it had been extremely challenging for relevant staff and one of his key responsibilities had been ensuring a duty of care for those involved. He was confident that there would be no increase in council tax and he thanked Braintree District Council for their help in addressing the issue.


Councillor Church said openness and transparency was essential for good governance and residents were extremely concerned by the disruption. The issue could not be repeated.


Councillor Moran urged members to concentrate on the motion and focus on the transparency issues at hand.


The Chair took the motion to a vote. It was carried 21 for, 2 against and 11



RESOLVED: Following the revocation of the Council’s operator’s licence and the major disruption to both residential and commercial refuse collections, the Council resolves to call on the Council Leader to provide a written statement to the next full meeting of Council and be prepared to answers questions with the following information to the council members and the public: The full costs to the council of these events; to include the costs of applying for a replacement operator’s licence, the monies paid to outside organisations to assist with the collection and disposal of refuse, all overtime incurred by the Council paid to our staff, all legal and advisory costs incurred.


In response to the Chief Executive’s comments regarding the meeting at which the report would be considered, Councillor Barker said she was content for the report to be considered at the Annual meeting in May to allow sufficient time to review the issue.


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