Agenda item

Handling Major Planning Applications

To consider the report on handling major planning applications.


The Chairman said the purpose of the meeting was to draw up terms of reference for a study in relation to the way in which Uttlesford District Council (UDC) processed major planning applications. He reminded members that the Stansted Airport planning application was still an open matter as it was currently with the Secretary of State. The purpose of this study was to look at all processes relating to major planning applications received by the Council.


The Chairman proposed an alternative recommendation to that included in the report.


The Chairman read the revised recommendation as follows:


“The Scrutiny Committee thanks members of the public for making representations about large planning applications at both its meeting and by written correspondence.


The committee resolves to commission an independent study on large planning application processes. The committee will take account of the representations already made and any other representations it receives in formulating a Scoping Report for the independent study.


The purpose of the independent study will be to identify improvements to the Council’s processes for handling large planning applications. The process cases to be studied will include the application determined in November 2018 for increased capacity at Stansted Airport as well as other large planning applications that will enhance the value of the study.


The committee intends to report back expeditiously with a proposed Scoping Report and preliminary advice on how the study can be conducted effectively and independently. The committee wishes to achieve delivery of at least a draft report and draft recommendations by early summer 2019. The Scoping Report should contain a preliminary timetable showing provisional key milestones.

Additional meetings of the Scrutiny Committee will be called if they are needed to ensure that the study work begins on time to meet the timetable.


A reference group comprising the committee chairman and vice chairman, plus Councillors Lemon and Light will be established to work in the background with officers to progress this initiative.”


Councillor Lemon seconded the proposal. He said it was important that work began on this study as soon as possible.


Councillor LeCount said he supported a study into the Council’s planning processes, as it would identify what the council was doing well, in addition to identifying weaknesses.


Councillor Gerard said it was important to scrutinise the Council’s planning procedure from inception to completion, to demonstrate the council’s commitment to improving processes and for reasons of openness and transparency. For purposes of best practice, it was right to define the limits of an investigation but the committee had to be careful not to limit the scope too narrowly and risk leaving out fundamental issues that required addressing. He raised a number of instances during the Planning meeting held on 14 November 2018, specifically alleged interference from members of the public and a proposal from the Chairman relating to a deferment ‘deal’, that would not be in the remit of the investigation if members approved the current draft of the scoping report before them. He said he supported the revised recommendation tabled by the Chairman, and fully endorsed an independent assessment of the Council’s entire planning application process when handling major applications.


Councillor Light said the committee must listen to the public’s concerns and it should be the entire planning process that was included in the scope of the investigation. She said she supported the revised recommendation and the establishment of a reference group to carry out this work. She added that she wanted the scoping report ready by the end of April.


In response to a Member question, the Director – Finance and Corporate Services said if the Committee were minded to approve the scrutiny review, he would find the resources to ensure it was carried out effectively.


Councillor Barker said he supported the revised recommendation although he was mindful of the pressures on time and resources a review would entail. Due to the vast amount of documentation that would need to be reviewed, he suggested no meaningful answers would be found if the study was rushed through before the district elections in May. He said it would be helpful if officers could promptly provide members with a list of independent persons or organisations, including indicative costs, which were qualified to carry out the review.


Councillor Oliver supported the revised recommendation. He said it would be useful if the scoping report included reference to other local authorities to allow for a benchmarking study to ascertain best practice.


Councillor Chambers said a reasonable amount of time would be required to carry out the study properly. He said the scope of the study should be one that satisfied all members of the committee.


Councillor Gerard said he believed a scoping report could be produced before the election in May. He said it was of great importance to all parish councils in the district and the review should be carried out as quickly as possible.


The Chairman said the four members nominated to keep track of the progress of the scoping report would not put up with unnecessary delays. He assured members of the committee that they would be kept informed of the reference group’s progress.





i.              Commission an independent study on large planning application processes. The committee will take account of the representations already made and any other representations it receives in formulating a Scoping Report for the independent study.


The purpose of the independent study will be to identify improvements to the Council’s processes for handling large planning applications. The process cases to be studied will include the application determined in November 2018 for increased capacity at Stansted Airport as well as other large planning applications that will enhance the value of the study.


ii.             The committee intends to report back expeditiously with a proposed Scoping Report and preliminary advice on how the study can be conducted effectively and independently. The committee wishes to achieve delivery of at least a draft report and draft recommendations by early summer 2019. The Scoping Report should contain a preliminary timetable showing provisional key milestones. Additional meetings of the Scrutiny Committee will be called if they are needed to ensure that the study work begins on time to meet the timetable.


iii.            A reference group comprising the committee chairman and vice chairman, plus Councillors Lemon and Light will be established to work in the background with officers to progress this initiative.  


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