Issue - decisions

Newport Quendon & Rickling Neighbourhood Plan

27/11/2020 - Newport Quendon & Rickling Neighbourhood Plan

RESOLVED to approve the changes proposed in Appendix 3 of the report, and that the submitted Newport Quendon & Rickling Neighbourhood Plan:


a) be modified as set out in Appendix 3, subject to a seven-week consultation period in line with Regulation 17A of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) and Development Management Procedure (Amendment) Regulations 2016;

b) that the Plan is progressed to Referendum covering the area of Newport, Quendon and Rickling Parishes subject to no substantive objections being lodged to the modifications proposed; and

c) That authority to be delegated to Director of Public Services, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, to consider responses to consultation on the proposed decision relating to the departures from the Examiner’s recommendations, and to determine the final changes to be made to the neighbourhood plan before it proceeds to the referendum.