Issue - decisions

Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan

19/07/2022 - Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan

Councillor Evans presented the Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan report.

He extended thanks to the members of the steering group in Stebbing that had worked tirelessly for six years to reach this point, ably assisted by the Planning Policy Officer and the external Neighbourhood Planning Consultant.


He said that the turnout of voters on 23 June 2022 was extremely high at 48% and was the highest Neighbourhood Plan turnout recorded in Uttlesford.


He said that the post-referendum meeting of the steering group had identified that the Neighbourhood Plan process had resulted in a number of benefits for the community, including educating residents on planning policy matters and pieces of evidence that were not previously known about. He said that the 21 policies, 155 heritage assets and 8 housing allocations within the plan had already been given weight by a Planning Inspector and Council Officers.


He noted that the entire cost of delivering the Neighbourhood Plan was recoverable from central Government, who continued to support neighbourhood planning.


He proposed that Council formally made the Stebbing Neighbourhood Planas part of the statutory development plan for the District.


Councillor Criscione said that Councillor Evans should be very proud and noted that 43% of respondents to the consultation had lived in the area for less than 10 years and that the new and fresh thinking was welcomed.


Councillor Isham said that it was a fine document and added his thanks to Councillor Evans for his help and advice, noting that he would be requesting further guidance with Broxted`s plan.


Councillor Khan added his congratulations to Councillor Evans and asked for clarification on the definition of affordable homes within the plan.


Councillor Evans said that they were reliant upon land becoming available and that regrettably they had no policy within the Neighbourhood Plan for council housing. The land allocated within the plan was for affordable housing through housing association dwellings.


Councillor Hargreaves noted the hard work that goes into preparing a Neighbourhood Plan and commended the plan to Council.


Councillor Merifield said that she was delighted to second the proposal and thanked the Neighbourhood Plan steering group and residents who helped and turned out to vote.


The Chair moved to a vote. The proposal was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED: To formally make the Stebbing Neighbourhood Plan as part of the statutory development plan for the District.