Issue - decisions

Members New Homes Bonus Scheme 2017/18

13/07/2018 - Members New Homes Bonus Scheme 2017/18



1.    Note the Members New Homes Bonus Scheme 2017/18 spend.


2.    Agree the revised Members New Homes Bonus Scheme criteria as set out below:


a. It has to be spent for the direct community benefit of the member’s ward.


b. Any unspent allocation can be carried forward to the following year, providing the amount is less than 50% of the allocation for that year. If it exceeds 50% of the in-year allocation only 50% shall be carried forward.


c. It must not commit the Council to expenditure in future years.


d. The member must not have a ‘Disclosable Pecuniary Interest' or a 'Personal and Prejudicial Interest' in the award of the grant, and must declare any "Personal Interest” which is not prejudicial, all as defined in the Members’ Code of Conduct. Possession of a personal interest which is not prejudicial will not bar a member from awarding a grant.


e. In election year the money only becomes available from 1 June (i.e. to the newly elected Member) and there will be no carry forward from the preceding year.