Issue - decisions

Business Rates Retails Relief

23/03/2020 - Business Rates Retail Relief

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Administration presented the report. He said the Council did not set business rates but it did collect them. A consequence of a revaluation exercise was that 1370 businesses across Uttlesford received 100% relief and there were reduced rates for 294 other businesses. This meant 49% of businesses throughout Uttlesford paid no or reduced rates.


Proposals in the report were for a rate relief programme lasting 2 years for retail businesses with a rateable value of less than £51,000. 268 businesses would benefit from the scheme, and it would be applied in accordance with the guidance issued by local government.


                        RESOLVED to:

1)    Adopt the discretionary Retail Relief Discount for the years 2019/20 and 2020/21 as set out in this report and the attached Business Rates Policy (Appendix B) under Section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988.

2)    Delegate authority for decision making on awarding Retail Relief to eligible businesses to the Section 151 Officer.