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No. | Item | ||
Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest To receive any apologies for absence and declarations of interest. Minutes: Apologies for absence were given by Councillors Bagnall; Councillor Driscoll substituted.
The following declarations were made: · Councillor Emanuel; Ward Councillor for Newport. Item 14 in her Ward but she said that she had not been involved in the case and kept an open mind. · Councillor Loughlin; Ward Councillor for Stort Valley. She said that she was the Ward Councillor for Items 7, 8 and 11 but had not been involved in the cases and that she kept an open mind.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 140 KB To consider the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2024 were approved as an accurate record.
Speed and Quality Report PDF 76 KB To note the Speed and Quality Report. Minutes: The Head of Development Management and Enforcement presented the standing Speed and Quality Report. He highlighted the 5.88% quality of major development figure as being green but cautioned that other appeals were still outstanding.
The report was noted.
Quality of Major Applications Report PDF 104 KB To note the Quality of Major Applications Report. Minutes: The Head of Development Management and Enforcement presented the standing Quality of Major Applications report.
He updated Members on the one pending appeal for Land North of Baynard Avenue for which there would be a hearing.
The report was noted.
S62A Applications Report PDF 72 KB To note the S62A Applications Report. Minutes: The Head of Development Management and Enforcement presented the S62A Applications report. The two outstanding cases were in front of this Committee today.
The report was noted.
Development Management Local Validation Checklists PDF 74 KB To consider the Development Management report. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Development Management and Enforcement presented the report and explained the background that the checklists had to be reviewed every two years.
In response to a question, he said that it was not possible to request Ordnance Survey maps and photos for better quality but that he would take away expressed concerns.
Members agreed that the amended Development Management Local Validation Checklists and association document be adopted for Development Management validation purposes.
UTT/24/1417/PINS - Land at Wickham Hall Estate, Farnham Road, FARNHAM PDF 667 KB To consider making observations to the Planning Inspectorate in respect of UTT/24/1417/PINS. Minutes: The Principal Planner presented a S62A application for the erection of a Solar Photovoltaic Farm with supporting infrastructure and battery storage, inverters and transformers, fencing and landscape works and connecting cable. He said that the majority of the site was in East Herts District and construction access was from East Herts but it was within UDC Green Belt. He referred Members to recent comments from UDC Conservation and Heritage, UDC Design and Place Services Ecology as detailed in the Addendum List.
He said that as this was a PINS application, UDC were acting as a consultee and could submit observations to PINS.
In response to questions from Members, officers:
Members discussed:
The Head of Development Management and Enforcement suggested that ENV15, ENV5 and S6 could certainly be put forward as reasons for objections; together with reference to the recent decision by the Secretary of State, fire hazard concerns and the lack of a S106 agreement covering de-commissioning.
Councillor Emanuel proposed that the objections above be picked up and forwarded to PINS. This was seconded by Councillor Pavitt.
RESOLVED that the Committee’s objections be forwarded to PINS.
UTT/24/1618/PINS - Land South of Bedwell Road, UGLEY PDF 5 MB To consider making observations to the Planning Inspectorate in respect of UTT/24/1618/PINS. Minutes: The Principal Planner presented a S62A application for approval of matters reserved pursuant to Appeal Decision ref APP/C1570/W/22/3311069 (up to 50 market and affordable dwellings, public open space and associated highways and drainage infrastructure – all matters reserved except for access). He summarised the previous history of the application and referred to the reserved matters proposal; he said there had been no changes to the plans from the plans considered as part of the Outline planning application. The Council had previously considered that the proposed layout of the affordable units was not acceptable and in particular the clustering of the affordable units and that the significant noise disturbance to the occupiers of the development was unacceptable. He also referred Members to the recently approved District Wide Design Code SPD and the lack of community engagement.
He said that as this was a PINS application, UDC were acting as a consultee and could submit observations to PINS.
In response to questions from Members, officers:
Members discussed:
Councillor Church said that this was not a good application and proposed that the comments picked up during the debate be forwarded to PINS. This was seconded by Councillor Lemon.
RESOLVED that the objections detailed above be forwarded to PINS.
UTT/24/0213/FUL - Land East of St. Edmunds Lane/Braintree Road, GREAT DUNMOW PDF 1 MB To consider UTT/24/0213/FUL. Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer presented an application for 51 dwellings, new access from Braintree Road, landscaping and other associated works. He said that the proposal would include 20 affordable homes and that the Addendum List included an additional condition in respect of an arboriculture assessment of three of the trees. He said that he considered that benefits outweighed adverse impacts.
He recommended that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report.
In response to questions from Members, officers:
The applicant said that in some cases there were 2 parking spaces in front of a garage; with the garage not being used for cars.
Members discussed:
Councillor Loughlin proposed approval of the application with additional conditions set out in section 17 and the Addendum List, together with a parking plan being agreed and submitted.
This proposal was seconded by Councillor Driscoll.
RESOLVED that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report, the Addendum List and agreement of a parking plan.
L Howles spoke against the application and a statement was read out from P Beaton opposing the application. W Almond (Applicant) and H Young (Agent) spoke in support of the application.
The meeting adjourned from 12.00 pm to 12.15 pm.
UTT/23/3034/FUL - Lovecotes Farm, Chickney Road, DEBDEN PDF 1007 KB To consider UTT/23/3034/FUL. Minutes: The Vice-Chair took the Chair only for this item as she had been in the Chair when the application had been previously considered.
The Senior Planning Officer presented a planning application for the demolition of an industrial unit and the proposed erection of 6 industrial units under class use E(g)(iii). This application had been deferred from the 26 June 2024 Planning Committee to request further clarifications from the Highway Authority.
He recommended that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report.
M Bradley (Essex CC Highways) provided Members with an overview from a Highways perspective. He said that Highways were happy from a road capacity viewpoint. He said the likelihood was that the proposed smaller business units would attract smaller vehicles and the application had to be considered based on the proposal brought forward.
In response to questions from Members, officers:
Members discussed:
Councillor Emanuel proposed that in light of further information submitted the application be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Loughlin.
RESOLVED that in the light of further information, the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report.
D Gidney spoke against the application and a statement was read out from Councillor S Luck opposing the application. A Gallagher (Applicant) and R Mayger (Agent) spoke in support of the application.
The meeting adjourned for lunch between 1.20 pm and 2.00 pm. |
UTT/22/1203/FUL - Land off Pelham Road, BERDEN PDF 4 MB To consider UTT/22/1203/FUL. Minutes: The District Wide Team Leader presented a planning application for the construction and operation of a Battery Energy Storage System and associated infrastructure. This matter had previously been deferred by the 30 August 2023 and 10 January 2024 Planning Committees as further clarification and information had been requested, including information to be obtained regarding the impact of both construction routes to neighbouring amenities and heritage and that confirmation was required from Essex Fire and Rescue of them being satisfied that the access suited their needs. He said that the only difference to previous proposals was that the applicant had provided a revised route for construction vehicles to move to and from the site.
He recommended that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report.
M Bradley (Essex CC Highways) provided Members with an overview from a Highways perspective. He said that they were bound by NPPF. He recognised that the network of roads around Manuden were often used by agricultural vehicles. The idea was put forward of a loop system. He recognised the need to condition a Construction Traffic Management Plan.
In response to questions from Members, officers:
Members discussed:
Officers confirmed that Members were to consider access arrangements and that any route would be covered in the conditions. A suggestion was put forward that a condition be added whereby any damages to highways could be paid for by the developer.
Councillor Church proposed approval of the application, together with an additional condition in respect of paying for any damage to the highway. This was seconded by Councillor Lemon.
RESOLVED that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report together with the additional condition above.
J Russell spoke against the application. J Halstead (Applicant) spoke in support of the application.
The meeting adjourned from 3.10 pm to 3.15 pm.
UTT/24/0431/FUL - Friends School, Mount Pleasant Road, SAFFRON WALDEN PDF 1 MB To consider UTT/24/0431/FUL. Minutes: The Principal Planner presented a s73 application to vary condition 2 of UTT/23/1853/FUL in order to allow for internal and external alterations to the main school building conversion including a small element of demolition, and site plan changes including parking, trees and change of the tennis courts to hard standing from grass. He said there had been no objections from consultees.
He recommended that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report.
In response to questions from Members, officers:
There was no further discussion.
Councillor Pavitt proposed that the application be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Emanuel.
RESOLVED that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report.
UTT/22/3019/FUL - Plextek, London Road, GREAT CHESTERFORD PDF 1 MB To consider UTT/22/3019/FUL. Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer presented an application for the proposed extensions and alterations to previously approved applications UTT/19/0804/FUL and UTT/16/0206/FUL. He provided a brief history of previous applications, the last of which had expired in 2022.
He recommended that the application be approved subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report.
In response to questions from Members, officers:
There was no further discussion.
Councillor Emanuel proposed that the application be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Church.
RESOLVED that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report.
UTT/24/1132/FUL - Land R/O Malt Place, Cornells Lane, WIDDINGTON PDF 616 KB To consider UTT/24/1132/FUL. Minutes: The Planning Officer presented a planning application for the variation of condition 2 of UTT/21/2649/FUL for the demolition of 5 existing buildings and the erection of 3 new buildings forming 10 residential dwellings alongside ancillary works.
He recommended that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report.
In response to questions from Members, officers:
Members discussed:
Councillor Sutton proposed approval of the application and this was seconded by Councillor Church.
RESOLVED that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report.
A statement was read out from Widdington Parish Council opposing the application. S Bampton (Agent) spoke in support of the application.
UTT/23/3157/FUL - Land Adjacent Merks Hall and Orchard House, Merks Hall, GREAT DUNMOW PDF 2 MB To consider UTT/23/3157/FUL. Minutes: The Planning Officer presented a planning application for the erection of 1 infill dwelling with associated landscaping and operational development (revised scheme following UTT/22/3478/FUL).
He recommended that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report.
In response to questions from Members, officers said that:
Members discussed:
Councillor Church proposed approval of the application, with an added condition relating to ensuring hard and soft landscaping arrangements, including reference to the hazel tree, was in place. This was seconded by Councillor Driscoll.
RESOLVED that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report and the additional condition above.
UTT/24/0147/LB - The Bluebell Inn, High Street, HEMPSTEAD PDF 747 KB To consider UTT/24/0147/LB. Minutes: The District Wide Team Leader presented a planning application for like for like renovation and repair works to all vertical sliding sash windows, replacement if required. Repairs, if possible, to rear kitchen window or replacement if necessary. Repairs to flat roof, part lead part felt, part synthetic membrane, to prevent water ingress. Repairs to damaged sections of external lime render and repair to timber frame if required. External repainting of rendered walls and windows. Replacement rainwater goods, replacement of cracked chimney pots and repointing of stacks. Internal redecoration and rewiring. The application related to a member of staff.
Councillor Lemon proposed approval of the application and this was seconded by Councillor Haynes.
RESOLVED that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report.
UTT/24/1308/HHF - 4 Woodend Cottages, Chickney Road, HENHAM PDF 219 KB To consider UTT/24/1308/HHF. Minutes: The Planning Officer presented a planning application for the demolition of an existing single-storey rear extension and the creation of a new single-storey rear extension. The application related to a member of staff.
He recommended that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report.
Councillor Sutton proposed approval of the application and this was seconded by Councillor Pavitt.
RESOLVED that the Strategic Director of Planning be authorised to grant permission for the development subject to those items set out in section 17 of the report.
This document contains late submissions, updates or addendums to existing agenda items which have been received up to and including the end of business on the Friday before Planning Committee. The Addendum List is usually circulated on the Monday prior to Planning Committee, except when there is a Bank Holiday. This is a public document, and it is published with the agenda papers on the UDC website.