
Public Speaking: To register your intention to speak at a Council, Cabinet or Committee meeting, please contact Democratic Services on or 01799 510410, 510548, 510369 or 510460. Panel, Forum and Working Group meetings do not generally permit public speaking. Please refer to a specific meeting's pdf agenda pack for further information and registration deadlines.

Live Broadcast: For Council, Cabinet and Committee Meeting broadcasts please select the hyperlink available on this page under the Media banner a few minutes before the meeting is due to begin. Please note that Panel, Board, Forum and Working Group meetings are not generally broadcast on the website. We believe that live streaming video of our formal decision making meetings, and publishing the recordings to be watched back later, is good for democracy – and you can find these videos on our website. This video technology sits alongside the longstanding practice of providing seats in the public gallery for members of the public and journalists to turn up and watch our in-person meetings live. Please understand that whilst we will continue to make every reasonable effort to ensure that our key public meetings at which important decisions are live streamed and recorded, any failure in that technology does not in any way invalidate the legitimacy of that meeting or of the decisions taken at it. Even in the event of such occasional technical failures, the public gallery will still have been open, as required by law, and the minutes of the meetings will still be made available in due course.

Venue: Council Chamber - Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden, CB11 4ER. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest

To receive any apologies for absence and declarations of interest.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 146 KB

To consider the minutes of the previous meeting.


Speed and Quality Report pdf icon PDF 76 KB

To note the Speed and Quality Report.


Quality of Major Applications Report pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To note the Quality of Major Applications Report.


S62A Applications Report pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To note the S62A Applications Report.


UTT/24/1958/PINS - Land Adjacent to Village Hall, East of Cambridge Road, UGLEY pdf icon PDF 255 KB

To consider making observations to the Planning Inspectorate in respect of UTT/24/1958/PINS.


UTT/24/1383/FUL - King Edward VI Almshouses, Abbey Lane, SAFFRON WALDEN pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To consider application UTT/24/1383/FUL.


UTT/24/0124/FUL - Land to Rear of Fighting Cocks, Mutlow Hill, WENDENS AMBO pdf icon PDF 347 KB

To consider application UTT/24/0124/FUL.


UTT/23/3208/FUL - Formerly known as Canada Shed, Parsonage Lane, STANSTED pdf icon PDF 609 KB

To consider application UTT/23/3208/FUL.


UTT/24/1855/FUL - Land West of Bury Farm, Station Road, FELSTED pdf icon PDF 776 KB

To consider application UTT/24/1855/FUL.


Addendum List pdf icon PDF 171 KB

This document contains late submissions, updates or addendums to existing agenda items which have been received up to and including the end of business on the Friday before Planning Committee. The Addendum List is usually circulated on the Monday prior to Planning Committee, except when there is a Bank Holiday. This is a public document, and it is published with the agenda papers on the UDC website.